Benjamin Long, * unbekannt, † (Winchester?) 1850
ab 1834 Hilfsorganist an der Kathedrale in Winchester
ab 1849 Organist am Winchester College
John E. West, Cathedral Organists past and present. A record of the Succession of Organists of the Cathedrals, Chapels royal and principal Churches of the United Kingdon, from about the period of the Reformation until the present Day, London 1899, S. 89
John Bannerman Wainewright, Winchester College 1836-1906. A Register, Winchester 1907, S. 30
Peter Horton, Samuel Sebastian Wesley. A Life, Oxford 2004, S. 254
Tagebucheintrag Marianne Spohr | London, Montag 26. Juni 1843 | 1843062690 |
Tagebucheintrag Marianne Spohr | Winchester, Mittwoch 12. Juli 1843 | 1843071290 |