Autograf: nicht ermittelt
Kopierbuch: The British Library London (GB-Lbl), Sign. RPS MS. 330 f. 172r

Dr Louis Spohr, Kapellmeister

March 22, 1858

Dear Sir, the Directors of the Philharmonic Society desire to perform your Syphony „The Seasons“ at one of their approaching Concerts, have got the Score from Messrs Ewer & Co, but they have not been able to get the separate parts. Messrs Ewer & Co have sent for them to their Correspondent in Germany, and are informed that they cannot be obtained at present and that they are being reprinted. To have the orchestral parts copied here is very expensive, and the Direcuors beg the favour that, if you have a set to spare, you will have the kindness to lend it to them for a short time, and they will be careful to return it as soon as the Symphony has been performed.
Pray have the goodness to let me know as soon as possible whether you can do the Society this favour, and believe me &c

Autor(en): Hogarth, George
Philharmonic Society
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen:
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Spohr, Louis : Die Jahreszeiten, op. 143
Erwähnte Orte:
Erwähnte Institutionen: Ewer <London>


Der letzte erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Hogarth an Spohr, 22.03.1858. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 26.03.1858.

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (27.03.2020).