Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287

Dublin 7th May. 55.
3. Upper Fitzwilliam St

My dear Sir

I am very anxious to perform a selection from your Opera Azor and Zemira at the last Antient Concert for this season which is fixed for june 1st and if it will not give you too much trouble I would feel greatly obliged if you could proceed(???) for me the instrumental parts of the piece I wish to perform and I will be most happy to pay for them and will send an order to any friend of yours in London or direct to Cassel.
I would require to have them here for rehearsal on the 26th of this month May.
I had the pleasure of meeting you and Madame Spohr at dinner at Mr Sterndale Bennett in London the year before last.1
I will gladly pay all the expences for copying, postage and carriage and trust that you will excuse the liberty I take in asking you to take so much trouble for a stranger and in the hope of a reply at your earliest convenience
I remain
My dear Sir
With [???] respect
Most faithfully your(?)
Jos. Robinson
Conductor of the Antient Concert Society Dublin

Autor(en): Robinson, Joseph
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen: Bennett, William Sterndale
Spohr, Marianne
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Spohr, Louis : Zemire und Azor
Erwähnte Orte: Dublin
Erwähnte Institutionen: Antient Concert Society <Dublin>


Spohrs Antwortbrief ist derzeit verschollen.

[1] Robinson irrt sich um ein Jahr (vgl. Marianne Spohr, Tagebucheintrag 26.06.1852).

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (08.04.2020).