Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel – Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Hackett: 1

Sacred Harmonic Society
Liverpool, 34, Church Street, May 10. 18531


I take the liberty of writing to solicit the honour of your contributing a Psalm Tune to a work I am now re-publishing entitled “The National Psalmist”
I brought out the work about ten years ago, and I had the honor of receiving contributions from almost all the principal Author’s in England at that time, amongst whom I may mention Mendelssohn as having contributed a Tune which he named “Leipzig”
I am now about re-engraving the work and making considerable additions to it, and am most anxious to receive the honor of a contribution from one so universally known and revered as yourself.2
I may add that I have just received the permission of his Royal Highness Prince Albert to dedicate to him this Edition of the work, and also that the names of Mendelssohn, Horsley, Wesley, W S Bennett, Crotch, Elvey, Novello, Sir H R Bishop and others are amongst the contributors.
If you should decide on complying with my request I beg to say either a Tune in L.M. C.M. or SM3 will suit me for insertion, and that if I receive it in two months from this date it will be in time. The work will contain Psalms and Hymn Tunes, Chants & Responses to the Commandments. As I am a stranger to you it is necessary I should state I am the Organist of the Parish Church here (which is the principal one / and also Conductor of the Sacred Harmonic Society which is established for the purpose of giving Performances on a large scale in the new “St George’s Hallto be opened next year: and of which and its Organ you have no doubt heard.
Apologizing for the liberty I have taken. I have the honor to remain Sir(???)

Your obed.4 humble servant
Charles Hackett
Mus. Bac. of Oxford.

Spohrs Antwortbrief ist derzeit verschollen.

[1] „May 10.“ und „3“ handschriftlich in vorgedrucktem Briefkopf eingefügt.

[2] The National psalmist consisting of original and standard psalm & hymn tunes, chants, responses & anthems, hrsg. v. Charles Danvers Hackett, London 1839; Hacket kündigte die Neuauflage offiziell an (vgl. „The National Psalmist“, in: Musical Times 5 (1854), S. 347), sie erschien jedoch nicht.

[3] Abk. f. die für englische Hymnen übliche Silbenzahl in den jeweiligen Zeilen einer Strophe: „Long Metre“ (, „Common Metre“ ( und „Short Metre“ (

[4] Abk. f. „obedient“

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Bryan White (14.07.2023).