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Druck: „Letters by Louis Spohr. Hitherto unpublished”, in: New York Musical Review and Gazette 11 (1860), S. 3f., 21 und 34f., hier S. 34f. (engl. Übersetzung)
Cassel, October 29th, 1851.1
Your news, that you have at last received from the Gouvernment a stipend which enables you to continue your musical studies, has been very welcome to me. I feel convicted that you will now do every thing in your power to acquire, in as short a time as possible, that knowledge which you must have in your efforts in composition are to be of some avail to you. Therefore finish by all means your course in harmony and countepoint and also study well the scores of good masters, especially those by Mozart, which you can borrow somewhere. But do not indulge at present in making plans for new compositions, which, later, when you will have acquired more intelligence and knowledge, may appear in a very different light to you. But, by all means, I advise you to practise piano-forte and score-playing in order to acquire some ability in that, for this not only will be a great help to you when you compose, by the fact that the playing of scores will improve your intelligence and will lead you to new ideas, but it may also be a means of sustaining your position as an artist in later years. It would be therefore good if you need not for the present interrupt your studies in Munich, or, if this is not possible, to return there as soon as may be. If you then have gone through a full course of the method of harmony, it will be time enough to commence works of larger dimensions. At that time I should like to hear that circumstances and means allowed you to stay for some time, here in Cassel, in order that I might assist you in your works with my advice and experience.
The four-part songs which were included in your letter, prove that your instruction is good, and that you are on the right road. Be therefore so much the more energetic and industrious, in order to be sooner musically independent.
I shall pleased to hear, from time to time, about your studies and progress.
Louis Spohr
Autor(en): | Spohr, Louis |
Adressat(en): | Keppner, Franz Joseph (Sohn) |
Erwähnte Personen: | Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus |
Erwähnte Kompositionen: | Keppner, Franz Joseph : Lieder, Sgst Kl |
Erwähnte Orte: | |
Erwähnte Institutionen: | |
Zitierlink: | |
Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf Keppner an Spohr, 21.10.1852. Keppner beantwortete diesen Brief am 04.11.1852.
[1] Recte: 1852.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, sofern in den Anmerkungen nicht anders vermerkt: Wolfram Boder (26.09.2019).