Autograf: nicht ermittelt
Druck: „Letters by Louis Spohr. Hitherto unpublished”, in: New York Musical Review and Gazette 11 (1860), S. 3f., 21 und 34f., hier S. 21 (engl. Übersetzung)
Cassel, July 31, 1852.
I found your letter dated the 16th of this month the day before yesterday, on my return from London.
That you have at last obtained the means to learn something thoroughly, satisfies me, especially with regard to your future, for I do not doubt a moment that you will do every thing to profit by this happy opportunity by the most energetic and persevering studies. Prof. Maur1, who already has shown by the fact that he took care of you, that he is a benevolent and generous man, will doubtless be also an able teacher, especially as he is a pupil of Hauptmann, who forty years ago was my pupil in composition and violin-playing, and who may be safely considered to be at present the greatest musical theoretican in Germany. Try, therefore, to gain his favor more, and more, by making good progress in your art
Wishing, before every thing else, that you may obtain, in consequence of your progress, a pecuniary support from the government of Baden, I remain, with true sympathy for you, yours, Louis Spohr.
Autor(en): | Spohr, Louis |
Adressat(en): | Keppner, Franz Joseph (Sohn) |
Erwähnte Personen: | Hauptmann, Moritz Maier, Julius Joseph |
Erwähnte Kompositionen: | |
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Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf Keppner an Spohr, 16.07.1852. Keppner beantwortete diesen Brief am 05.08.1852.
[1] Recte: „Maier“.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, sofern in den Anmerkungen nicht anders vermerkt: Wolfram Boder (26.09.2019).