Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:57

6 Queen Street Place
May 25, 1852

My dear & honoured Friend

I duly received your welcome letter of fhe 15th but some little delay has been caused in replying to it, as my secretary1 now lives 20 miles from London.
I have seen Mr. Gye, and settled with him the terms you are to receive, which I hope you will be satisfied with. He agrees to pay you £50 for the Partitur (he having the copyright of the Recitatives you wrote for him) and £100 for your travelling expenses & board & lodging. In all £150.2
I have also agreed that you shall not play or conduct elsewhere without his permission.
I am very sorry to find that there is still some uncertainty about your coming. I need scarcely remind you that if that fellow (you know who I mean) prevents you, it must be heavy loss to Mr. Gye. The Opera must be copied, scenery & dresses prepared, and every thing got ready for performance. But I will not anticipate so great a disappointment, although, from past experience, I am convinced that if your Tyrant3 can prevent your coming, he will.
I saw our friend Molique a short time since. He (like every body else) is indignant at your treatment. “Why” said he “does Spohr submit to it, why does he not leave such a fellow’s service, and come to England? England is the proper place for Spohr.”
How often is the same question put to me “Why does Spohr submit to such indignities and such a state of bondage?”
I feel reluctant to urge my own wishes on this subject, for I know your strong attachment to Germany, as well as the ties of relationship & friendship which bind you to Cassel, but I participate to the full with all your friends and admirers in indignation & regret that you should be doomed to a fate so entirely unworthy of you.
As soon as any thing is decided, pray let me have the pleasure to hear from you, & believe me with best compliments to Madame Spohr,

your assumed & sincere friend
Edw. Taylor

Autor(en): Taylor, Edward
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen: Friedrich Wilhelm Hessen-Kassel, Kurfürst
Gye, Frederick
Molique, Bernhard
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Spohr, Louis : Faust
Erwähnte Orte:
Erwähnte Institutionen: Covent Garden <London>


Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf den derzeit verschollenen Brief Spohr an Taylor, 15.05.1852. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 13.06.1852.

[1] Frühere Briefe hatte Taylor von seiner deutschen Schwiegertochter Meta übersetzen lassen (vgl. Taylor an Spohr, 10.11.1840).

[2] Vgl. Frederick Gye an Spohr, 25.05.1852.

[3] Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm.

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (02.12.2019).