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Druck: „Letters by Louis Spohr. Hitherto unpublished”, in: New York Musical Review and Gazette 11 (1860), S. 3f., 21 und 34f., hier S. 3 (engl. Übersetzung)

Cassel, Feb. 19, 1850.

Dear Sir,

In consequence of a fall on the ice1, I have been lying sick four weeks, and only to-day do I feel recovered so far as to be able to answer the letters which I have received during this time.
Your enthusiasm for music is very agreeable to me, and I should like very much to be useful to you in the way you mention; but the compositions which you have sent me for examination are too incorrect, and show too much the want of form, for me to safely infer from them your talent for music. I can not therefore advise your father to let you study music as a profession, because this might easily prove in the end to be a real misfortune for you. But as you have undoubtedly some talent for music, and as, to judge from your enthusiasm, it may be anticipated that you will cultivate it in an industrious and energetic manner, I advise you to give all the time which your school studies leave at your disposal to music. But if this shall lead to any results, you must, before every thing else, learn to play the piano-forte a little, and also go through a course of the method of harmony. Both can be obtained by the aid of a good book and without a teacher, provided one has energy and patience. If you want to make further trials in composition, do not let them be immediately orchestral or operatic matters, but short instrumental pieces for a few instruments, for which you must look upon good masters as models with regard to form, rhythm, and modulation. If you continue in this way, your understanding will grow, and you will at once see the faults and errors in your former trials, and know how to avoid them.
Hoping you the best success, I sign, respectfully,

Louis Spohr.

Autor(en): Spohr, Louis
Adressat(en): Keppner, Franz Joseph (Sohn)
Erwähnte Personen:
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Keppner, Franz Joseph : Oper
Erwähnte Orte:
Erwähnte Institutionen:


Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf Keppner an Spohr, 30.01.1850. Keppner beantwortete diesen Brief am 25.02.1850.

[1] Vgl. Spohr an Adolph Hesse, 21.02.1850; Louis Spohr, Louis Spohr’s Selbstbiographie, Bd. 2, Kassel und Göttingen 1861, S. 332.

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, sofern in den Anmerkungen nicht anders vermerkt: Wolfram Boder (23.09.2019).