Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287

Miss Mounsey presents her very best compliments to Dr Spohr, and begs to offer a set of songs1 lately published for his acceptance; she could not have intrused them upon his notice, had it not been for this kind and encouraging manner to her when a very little girl some 25 years ago.2
Miss M. was deligthed to see Dr Spohr, looking so well last Evening, and she hopes this hearty reception proved to him how much his admirable Oratorio & its estimable Author are esteemed by an English Audience.3
Miss Mounsey has had some Sacred Concerts under her direction for 5 years; „The Fall of Babylon“ „The Last Judgement“ and the Crucifixion have been often gleaned from on those occasions4; are there any Sacred Songs, duets &c not belonging to his large works that Dr Spohr could name, as Miss M. may probably have to preside over another series next winter, and she has excellent opportunities of procuring Music from abroad: if Dr Spohr wants devote a few minutes to inform her, she would be very grateful. – Miss M. will inclose an old programme of these Concerts, that the kind of music required would he better understood.
Miss Mounsey want have done herself the pleasure of calling respcting this subject, but she feared to instruse upon Dr Spohr.

31 Brunswick Place, Lond
City Road. Saturday
July 17. 1847.

Autor(en): Mounsey, Ann
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen:
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Spohr, Louis : Der Fall Babylons
Spohr, Louis : Des Heilands letzte Stunden
Spohr, Louis : Die letzten Dinge
Erwähnte Orte: London
Erwähnte Institutionen:


Der letzte erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Mounsey an Spohr, 02.06.1840.

[1] Noch nicht ermittelt; möglicherweise Six Songs, composed for the Royal Society of Female Musicians, 1845 (vgl. Werkverzeichnis in: Silke Wenzel, „Ann Mounsey Bartholomew”, in: Lexikon Musik und Gender im Internet, Hamburg 2013).

[2] Vgl. Louis Spohr, „Musikalische Notizen gesammelt von Louis Spohr während seines Aufenthalts in London vom Ende Februars bis Ende Juny 1820”, in: Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung 22 (1820), Sp. 521-530, hier Sp. 527f.; dass. nachgedruckt in: Louis Spohr, Lebenserinnerungen, hrsg. v. Folker Göthel, Tutzing 1968, Bd. 2, S. 88ff., Text mit fehlerhafter Paginierung auch online; Louis Spohr’s Selbstbiographie, Bd. 2, Kassel und Göttingen 1861, S. 104-107; s.a. Mounsey an Spohr, 11.09.1839 und Spohr an Mounsey, 12.09.1839.

[3] Aufführung von Spohrs Der Fall Babylons in Exeter Hall (vgl. Marianne Spohr, Tagebucheintrag 16.07.1847).

[4] Vgl. „Sacred Concerts, Crosby Hall“, in: Musical World 19 (1844), S. 30; „Crosby Hall“, in: ebd., S. 90; „Crosby Hall“, in: ebd. 20 (1845), S. 25; „Sacred Concerts“, in: ebd. 23 (1848), S. 169.

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (27.04.2022).