Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:44
Dr. Louis Spohr
Hesse Cassel
via France
Gresham College
London _
March 15. 1846
My Dear and honoured Friend
Your most kind and welcome letter reached me when I was just about to write to you.
I have been lecturing for the last fortnight at Nottingham; and just before I left London the Committee of the ”Sacred Harmonic Society“ at Exeter Hall called upon me to ask my opinion whether I thought you could be induced to revisit London this year, and conduct 3 performances of your own Sacred Music (including the ”Last Judgement“ & the ”Fall of Babylon“) My reply was that I did not know your engagements for the ensuing Summer, but that if they would write to you on the subject, I would, with all my heart & soul, second their application, especially as it was an affair in which your were so competent to decide, from your knowledge of the Society – both as to their orchestra & Chorus, and their conduct toward you on a former occasion.
Your Letter followed me to Nottingham, and, I fear, has dissipated the hopes which I began to entertain of seeing you in England this year. I returned to London yesterday, and immediately had an interview with the Committee, to whom I communicated what you said respecting your visit to Carlsbad.
They have still requested me to write, and inform you of their intention – under the hope that if not this year, they may be allowed to look forward to another when they may again see you at the head of their Orchestra. As the interval of a week must elapse between each of the 3 proposed performances, I could not (after reading your letter) hold out the hope, either to myself or to heir, that it would be possible for you to come, if you go to Carlsbad: and your health is far more precious to us all than the pleasure of seeing you, great as that pleasure is.
And now as to the wish you so kindly express that I would visit you. I need not, I am sure, say that to find myself once more under your hospitable roof would be, to me, a pleasure of the highest kind – but I will tell you, frankly, how I am situated. In May and part of June I have to give my lectures in this College, and am, therefore, unable to leave London. In fact, my engagements here only permit my absence at certain times.
My brother Philip, who has been for 20 years settled as an Engineer at Marseille, has, year after year, been urging me to visit him He is a brother wohm I foundly love, and his family (8 Children) are growing upon strangers to their Uncle Edward. I have not positively promised that I will go to Marseille this year, but still I teel that it is not right – it is not brotherly – to defer it – expecially at the age at which Philip & I have arrived. I think, if I know your heart, you will symphathize with me in my feelings, whom I, reluctantly, look forward to a more distant period again to see dear Cassel. I must add a word to madame Spohr, & will therefore conclude with expressing the warmest thanks & good wishes from
Your assured Friend
Edw. Taylor
My Dear Madame Spohr.
Many thanks for your interesting Postscript. I am proud to have introduced you to the knowledge of that truly great man John Milton. I thought you would admire his character. How noble – how pure - how sincere. The same in youth & in age – in prosperity & in poverty. He is a difficult writer for a foreigner to understand. His is not common English – it is a language of his own. You will see that not only in his poetry, but in the extracts from his prose writings in the Life. But he is worth studying in every point of his character – Poet – Statesman – Patriot – man.
Peggy1 was quite well when I heard of her, & Kate3, I hope, is improving in health. I am My Dear Madam
Yours very respectfully Edw. Taylor
Autor(en): | Taylor, Edward |
Adressat(en): | Spohr, Louis Spohr, Marianne |
Erwähnte Personen: | Milton, John Taylor, Margaret Taylor, Philip Whittle, Kate |
Erwähnte Kompositionen: | Spohr, Louis : Der Fall Babylons Spohr, Louis : Die letzten Dinge |
Erwähnte Orte: | Karlsbad Marseille Nottingham |
Erwähnte Institutionen: | Gresham College <London> Sacred Harmonic Society <London> |
Zitierlink: | |
Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf Spohr an Taylor, 18.02.1846. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 27.03.1846.
[1] „Peggy“ = mittelalterlliche Form für Meggy, Abk. f. Margaret.
[2] Catharine Whittle, geb. Taylor.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (31.01.2019).