Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:42

Dr. Louis Spohr
Hesse Cassel
Gresham College
London _

Oct 1st 1845

My Dear & honoured Friend

The Norwich Festival is over, and one of my first pleasures on my return to London, is to inform you of the result. I believe I had acquainted you that Benedict was appointed my succession, & I enjoied that the duty had devolved on such able hands. The 3 great pieces were, on Wednesday morning Haydn‘s ”Seasons,“1 with my translation – on Thursday ”Calvary“2 - and on Friday ”Messiah.“3
I could not but feel some anxiety respecting the performance of your Oratorio, remembering that the last time I heard it in the same place you were present, not only in spirit, but in person, controling(?), directing & inspiring the Orchestra. but I have great pleasure in stating that the performance was a most successful & splendid one. benedict had studied your Score with great care & attention, & had fully qualified himself for his duty. The instrumental band, as usual, comprized all the best London performers, and the Chorus was most admirable. In truth, I never heard such Chorus singing. The choir, by long & diligent practice, had mastered every difficulty, & had become so thoroughly acquainted with their work, that every part of it was sung not only with correctness, but with that form and thruth of feeling that the heart only can prompt. Hobbs took his old part, and sung it admirably – Staudigl was Peter, and you may imagine how finely he sung ”Tears of sorrow“ - The part of Mary was given to Mad. Caradori Allan, & here, certainly, we had a falling off. Her intonation (tune) is not certain, and her singing in general was by no means equal to that of Mad. Stockhausen. But, on the whole, the performance of the Oratorio was most successful.
I felt that after hearing it, Music had exited(???) its highest power over my feelings, and I want no more into St. Andrew‘s Hall.
You will be gratified to know that the result of the entire Festival was successful, and that the various charitable Institutions of the County will benefit by it. I had many inquiries after you from your old friends at Norwich, who always look back to your visit to their City with preide & pleasure.
Of course, I heard much of the Bonn Festival, which appear to have derived its greatest interest from your presence. Staudigl tells me that some of the music was very poor, & that some of the pieces were ”Shamfully“ (I use his own word) performed. I certainly wished to be present, but, to say the truth, it would give me much more pleasure to spend the same time in your quiet society at Cassel – a gratification which I indulge the hope of againg realizing. - I heard, with some concern, that many members of our profession, who went to Bonn with the avanced(?) purpose of doing honour to Beethoven, seemed rather solicitous to glorify themselves, & condescended to squabble as to who should sing and who should play. - Such, on similar occasions, I am sorry to say, is too much the case in England.
My poor wife still countinous in a state of unabated & I fear, increased suffering - unable to walk, read, write & work. Kate4 and her husband5 are now in London. She desires to unite with me in kindest regards to you and Madame Spohr.

Believe me
My Dear Friend
Yours most faithfully
Edw. Taylor

Der letzte erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Spohr an Taylor, 28.05.1845. Spohr beantwortete diesen und Taylors nächsten Brief vom 16.11.1845 am 18.02.1846.

[1] Die Schöpfung.

[2] Des Heilands letzte Stunden.

[3] Vgl. J[ames] W[illiam] D[avison], „The Norwich Festival“, in: Musical World 20 (1845), S. 541ff.

[4] Catharine Whittle, geb. Taylor.

[5] James Whittle.

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (30.01.2019).