Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:29

Dr. Louis Spohr
Hesse Cassel
Mr Taylor Esq.

London – Aug.” 10. 1842

My Dear Friend

My Brother John, with his wife1 & Daughter2, in their visit to Germany, purpose to pass thro’ Cassel, and I could not deny myself the pleasure of introducing them to you. This Brother you did not see in England, for he was at that time at his house in Wales.
Since I wrote (on Friday last) I have no further communication of importance to make respecting the Festivital. I avail myself of my Brother’s postman team to convey you the first Copy of the Oratorio in its English dress.
I have mentioned to dedicate it to you, & to express the high honour I feel it, to be your humble associate in the work. Altho’ it is ready for publication, no copies will go out of my hands till the performance. I have put a few words on the Title page to prevent the Second Act beeing turned into Quadrilles, with which you are already threatenend!
My best regards wait on Madame Spohr.

My Dear Friend
Yours most respectfuly & sincerly
Edw. Taylor

Autor(en): Taylor, Edward
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen: Taylor, Ann
Taylor, John
Erwähnte Kompositionen: Spohr, Louis : Der Fall Babylons
Erwähnte Orte:
Erwähnte Institutionen:


Dieser Brief folgt auf Taylor an Spohr, 05.08.1842. Sein Postweg überschnitt sich mit dem von Spohr an Taylor, 08.08.1842, den Taylor am 23.08.1842 beantwortete. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 11.09.1842.

[1] Ann Taylor.

[2] John Taylor hatte drei Töchter: Anne, Susan und Honora (vgl. Philip Meadows Taylor, A memoir of the family of Taylor of Norwich, Privatdruck 1886, S. 23f.).

Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (24.01.2019).