Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:23

Dr. Louis Spohr
Hesse Cassel
Leeds. Dec. 24. 1841.
My dear & honoured Friend,
Your letter reached me in this place, where I am delivering some lectures on the different Italian Schools of Vocal Harmony in the 16th Century. This is the great manufactory of Cloth which consumes so much of your Wool, & many of your Countrymen are here: but, I find, they know little of the great Italian Masters of the old time.
I shall be happy to receive the Partitur & the Piano Forte arrangement of the Ouverture by the same conveyance as before.1
I am happy to inform you than we have had an Instrumental Rehearsal of the Oratorio. I was anxious to have one before I left London, as I shall not return there till the London Season, which begins in February, & then it will be impossible to get our performers together for such a purpose. The band are charmed with the composition, and all look forward with great delight to the honour of playing it under your direction. There are many errors in the parts, but I shall carefully compare them with the Score when it arrives, & rectify them. Will you have the kindness to see that the Metronome time is marke to each piece, & that the „pia” – „for” „cres” &c are correctly given? Benedict begged to attend the Rehearsal, & gave me his assistance in conducting it, which, as we had not the Score, was sometimes difficult, when an error occurred in the copies.
I think your publisher2 was right not to add the English words, as is would have caused much trouble & expence & some confusion in the notes, for which I am sure the sale in England would not recompense him. He will sell as many copiess here without the English words as with them, because the full Score will be purchased by those who want the Instrumental parts. I think you will find that in the Recitatives alone, is the arrangement of the notes altered: as I have been very anxious to preserve every other note (both in the Airs & Chorusses3) exactly as you wrote it.
When I have finished my Lectures here, I proceed to Sheffield to lecture on the Vocal Harmony of the English School, & then I shall go to Norfolk. At Norwich I shall meet the Festival Comittee, where we will arrange our plan of attack on your Prince4. They will gladly adopt your suggestion I am sure, and I have no doubt that Prince Albert will make the desired request.
I am happy to find that Marshall will be again the Norwich Burgomaster, so it will vice him the honours & so much desire of again seeing you under his hospitable roof.
Accept my best thanks for your kind congratulations respecting my new dignity & title. The dear Secretary5 & her daughter are quite well. I received from her yesterday the translation of your welcome Letter. I know not yet who will be the principal Singers at the Festival, except Hobbs & Phillips. Miss Kemble is singing with great success at Covent Garden Theatre, but the Festival Comittee will not make any engagement with her or any other female6 singer at present. They will have the best that our country will produce.
My best compliments await Madame Spohr, and Madame de Malsburg, with all my kind & hospitable friends at Cassel. Believe me
My dear & honoured Friend
Ever Yours most truly
Edw. Taylor

Dieser Brief ist die Antwort auf Spohr an Taylor, 12.12.1841. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 03.01.1842.
[1] Übersendung über die Buchhandlung Perthes & Besser in Hamburg (vgl. Vorbrief und Spohr an Perthes & Besser, 20.08.1841).

[2] Breitkopf & Härtel.
[3] Sic!
[4] Der Kurprinz und spätere Kurfürst Friedrich Wilhelm.
[5] Taylors Schwiegertochter Meta, die viele Briefe an Spohr ins Englische übertragen hatte (vgl. Taylor an Spohr, 10.11.1840, hatte kurz zuvor eine Tochter entbunden (vgl. Taylor an Spohr, 23.09.1841).

[6] „female” über der Zeile eingefügt.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (20.12.2018).