Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287[Taylor, E.:14

Dr. John Bull was the first Profesor of Music in Gresham College, London, to which office he was appointed by the recommendation of Queen Elizabeth. The Trustees of the College having requested her Majesty (who was well skilled in Music) to name the Music Profesor.
When James I came to the throne, Dr. Bull, with all the other English Musicians who ha adorned the reign of Elizabeth, experimend the neglect & proscription of the new Souvereign: the Art declined. - Dr. Bull (who had previously visited the Continent) quitted England and settled in Germany. From this time all trace of his history is lost, and it is not even knwon with certainty whether he died at Hamburg or Lubec. He quitted England about 1608, and were, probably, then about 30 to 40 Years old. He wrote much in Germany; for Dr. Pepusch (Organist in Lonon, who lived from 1720 to 1760) had a large Coollection of Dr. Bull‘s Music in MS1 which is now almost entirely lost. & of which I posess the Catalogue. One only Anthem of Dr. Bull is preserved in Dr. Boyce‘s Collection of Cathedral Music.2
My respect for the memory of my first predecessor makes me wish to ascertain, if it be possible, the place of his burial & the grave of his death, which, probably, happened between the year 1620 & 1640.
Edw. Taylor
Gresham Profesor
of Music -
Cassel. June 28. 1840

Autor(en): Taylor, Edward
Adressat(en): Spohr, Louis
Erwähnte Personen: Bull, John
Erwähnte Kompositionen:
Erwähnte Orte: Hamburg
Erwähnte Institutionen: Gresham College <London>


Der letzte erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Spohr an Taylor, 17.05.1840. Der nächste erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Taylor an Spohr, 24.07.1840.
Bei diesem Schriftstück handelt es sich offensichtlich um keinen Brief im engeren Sinne, sondern vermutlich um eine Notiz, aufgrund derer Spohr für Taylor das Sterbedatum und -ort von John Bull recherchieren lassen sollte (vgl. Johann Friedrich Schwencke an Spohr, 14.08.1840 [Ergänzung 30.08.2021: und Gottfried Herrmann an Spohr, 04.08.1840]).

[1] „in MS“ über der Zeile eingefügt.
[2] Vgl. John Bull, „Anthem“, in: Cathedral Music being A Collection in Score of the Most Valuable and Useful Compositions For that Service by the Several English Masters Of the last Two Hundred Years, hrsg. v. William Boyce, Bd. 3, 2. Aufl. London 1788, S. 165.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (18.12.2018).