Autograf: Music- och teaterbibliotheket Stockholm [Musik- und Theaterbibliothek] (S-Skma), Sign. Fryklund Collection
Monsieur Spohr
3 Regent-Square1
Saturday Sep 14/39
69 Dean Street [???]
Dear Sir/
Previous to my leaving town for the Worcester Musical Festival, I had requests my friend Mr Stumpff to introduce me to you on your arrival in London, as I have long wished for an opportunity of forming the personal acquaintance of a professional Gentleman from whose delightful compositions I have desired such very high gratification.
But as I was obliged to leave home before you arrived in town, I was disappointed in the pleasure I had anticipated. On my return, I have learned from Mr Stumpff, that there is a probability of your coming back from Norwich this Evening, & that perhaps a few days may elapse previous to your voyage to Antwerp2 – I have therefore ventured on the liberty of addressing this little Note to you, to say that if you will kindly waive ceremony, & come and pass the Evening with me tomorrow, sans façon, I shall be particularly happy in the opportunity of paying my respects to you, & enjoying a little musical conversation together.
It will be quite a quiet party, as we shall take our coffee atout 7 o clk – & there will be nobody present but my own family – our friend Mr Stumpff, & perhaps Signor Dragonetti.
Or if any other Evening next week will suit your convenience better, have the goodness to fix it yourself, & I will make my arrangements accordingly to have the pleasure of receiving you in Dean Street.
Mrs Novello & my Daughter Clara (who did themselves the pleasure of calling to pay their respects to you as they passed through Cassel, altho’ they were not so fortunate as to find you at home) beg their best Compts,3 unite with me in the hope that if Madame Spohr should be with you in England, that Lady will honor our little unpretending party by accompanying you.
A Line in answer will be esteemed as a great favor, by,
Dear Sir,
Your obliged & obedn servant
Vincent Novello.
To Mr Spohr.
Autor(en): | Novello, Vincent |
Adressat(en): | Spohr, Louis |
Erwähnte Personen: | Dragonetti, Domenico Novello, Clara Novello, Mary Stumpff, Johann Andreas |
Erwähnte Kompositionen: | |
Erwähnte Orte: | Kassel London Norwich |
Erwähnte Institutionen: | Musikfeste <Worcester> Norfolk and Norwich Triennial Festival |
Zitierlink: | |
[1] Die Adresse von Edward Taylor, auf dessen Veranlassung Spohr zum Musikfest in Norwich eingeladen wurde.
[2] Das Ehepaar Spohr hielt sich auf der Rückreise von Norwich nur eine Nacht in London auf (vgl. Marianne Spohr, Tagebucheinträge 21. und 22.09.1839).
[3] Hier gestrichen: „&“.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Karl Traugott Goldbach (02.09.2020).