Autograf: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel - Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek der Stadt Kassel (D-Kl), Sign. 4° Ms. Hass. 287
Druck 1: Martin Wulfhorst, „Hill, Spohr, Mendelsohn and Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. A Mid-nineteenth-century Music Festival in New York”, in: Newsletter Institute for Studies in American Music 15.2 (1986), S. 8-11, hier S. 8
Druck 2: Wolfram Boder, „Louis Spohr and his Influence on American Orchestral Culture“, in: Spohr-Journal 35 (2008), S. 2-7, hier S. 6 (teilweise)
Inhaltsangabe: „Musikfest in Amerika“, in: Allgemeine Wiener Musik-Zeitung 5 (1845), S. 92
Dr Louis Spohr
Hessen Cassel
New York Nov. 16 1844
No 59 Franklin Street
Dr Louis Spohr
Dear & respected Sir.
It has been resolved to produce a Grand Musical Festival in N. York1 the first that has taken place in America – which is to come off Either in the Autumn of 1845 or the Spring of 1846 which will depend upon contingencies principally as respects the proposition in the name of the committee which I am about to make to you – From the renown of your name far and near – your stupendous talents – & your known liberality in the promotion of the cause of the musical Art both in Germany & England particularly I am in the name of the musical Festival committee (of which I am a member)2 directed to solicit your co-opperation as Conductor on the occasion – Your passage from Liverpool to N.Y. and back in a Steamer will be provided and $ 1000 at least will be guaranteed to you in the Event of your consent to come being acceeded to – if you should be able to come we should wait an immediate answer. And at the same time we should wish to have your Fall of Babylon for one of the performances3 immediately, also that it may be put in Rehearsal – the money will be remitted for it either on receiving it or before it is ready on your order for it. – Come and we will give you an hearty American welcome – at the same time you will see your amiable daughter – if you come in the Spring it will be a favourable time after the performances are over to make a tour of the country – altho' we should prefer the Autumn of 1845 – I have started this project & it will surely be accomplished.
The number of chorus singers will consist at least of 500 Chorus Singers – 250 Instruments and 15 solo vocalists besides the instrumental solo performers.4 – We purpose to have performances of sacred music and two of secular.
I trust you will write on receipt of this without fail – if you give us any encouragement of your being with us we shall be satisfied – In the event of its being out of your power to obtain your Princes consent we shall next look to your gifted countryman Mendelssohn but I need not say that you are the unanimous choice. If you cannot come a change of the arrangements would be required and therefore it is of the most vital importance to have an early answer from you –
With the best wishes for the health and
happiness of your Lady & family
I remain your sincere friend and grateful pupil
U C Hill
PS. Dear Sir please communicate my highest esteem to Mr Hauptmann – also to the musical gentlemen of my acquaintance in your orchestra – I hope to see you all again, as I contemplate visiting dear Germany again in about three years5
U C Hill
Autor(en): | Hill, Ureli Corelli |
Adressat(en): | Spohr, Louis |
Erwähnte Personen: | Friedrich Wilhelm Hessen-Kassel, Kurfürst Hauptmann, Moritz Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix Spohr, Marianne Zahn, Emilie |
Erwähnte Kompositionen: | Spohr, Louis : Der Fall Babylons |
Erwähnte Orte: | Liverpool New York |
Erwähnte Institutionen: | |
Zitierlink: | |
Der letzte erhaltene Brief dieser Korrespondenz ist Hill an Spohr, 30.03.1844. Spohr beantwortete diesen Brief am 04.01.1845.
[1] Das von Hill geplante Festival wurde auf ein großes Konzert reduziert, das am 20.05.1846 im New Yorker Castle Garden stattfand (vgl. Druck, S. 10).
[2] Hier gestrichen „we are produced“.
[3] Tatsächlich wurde anstelle von Spohrs Oratorium Der Fall Babylons die 9. Sinfonie von Ludwig van Beethoven aufgeführt (vgl. ebd).
[4] Nach Wulfhorst nahmen etwa 300 Musiker an dem eintägigen Festival teil (ebd.).
[5] Tatsächlich verfolgte Hill den Plan, noch einmal nach Deutschland zu reisen, weiter, reiste aber 1847 nur nach London.
Kommentar und Verschlagwortung, soweit in den Anmerkungen nicht anders angegeben: Wolfram Boder (02.05.2017).